
chivalry is back.

Everybody likes a bad boy.

Wind it back to your sandpit days; chances are the tot who wouldn’t share his colouring pencils was the one you pined for. High school brought with it the days of the unobtainable crush. You decided that the boy that had all his fingers in the pies was the one for you. It didn’t matter how many times he pulled out your heart, stomped on it and walked away (in that heartbreaking bad boy stride) you still wanted him. Why, as intelligent female members of the human race, are we so attracted to the unsuitable? Maybe it’s the thrill of the chase; maybe it’s the adrenaline rush that comes with not knowing whether there will be a happily ever after? Whatever it is won’t change the fact that women find the rebellious and the obnoxious so damn appealing. But girls between you and me- bad boys are fast becoming overrated.  Does a no-show or cheater compare with landing a helicopter in his sweetheart’s backyard- ala Prince Will style? Negative. Albeit, not every red-blooded man can afford to do this, a bunch of flowers would also be suitable.

Chivalry is back. Long live the nice guy.