
punk love.

Robert and I were always ourselves - 'til the day he died, we were just exactly as we were when we met And we loved each other. Everybody wants to define everything. Is it necessary to define love?

- Patti Smith (The Godmother of Punk)


home is whenever I'm with you.

Home- Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zeros.

Don't sweat it.

At the top of my reading list at the moment is Sweaty Betty's PR Mogul Roxy Jacenko's Strictly Confidential. It's just a little bit juicy especially as you begin to wonder what stories involve Miss Jacenko herself, I read ten chapters in an hour and all ten did not disappoint. Jacenko, a regular in Sydney's socialite pages is one to watch. From humble beginings as a receptionist at an Italian jeans company, Jackeno has fashionably worked her way up the fashion public relations ladder. Strictly Confidentional is the perfect read on summer holiday, all that's missing at the moment is the sun!


I love books. I'm not afraid to admit when I go to the bookstore I like running my hand along the covers of new books, I like the smell of books and I like the feeling you get when you're in a bookstore. Everybody goes about their own business, the sales people aren't pushy and in a bookstore nobody judges. Unlike the feeling you get in other stores, I have never once felt intimidated to pick up a certain book or wander into a certain section. So imagine my delight, uncovering the gem of a book store that is Kinokunyia. Translating to "Store of Kii Provence", Kinokunyia is any booklover's heaven on earth. Located on George Street in Sydney, I kick myself for not going in there sooner. Kinokunyia not only offers a quiet and vast place to get lost among the titles but over 300 000 titles in English, Japanese, French and German. Tattoos your thing? They have it covered. More into fashion design? It's got it's whole section. No matter what your interest, they have it.

Like to read? Do yourself a favour. Kinokuniya books. The Galleries, Level 2, 500 George Street.


Sooner or later in all our lives, we reach a point where we face two alternative choices and a decision has to be made. We are at a crossroads. For most, decision-making comes as naturally as breathing but for woe, for me it does not. It's as if whoever designed my brain installed a faulty wire responsible for making decisions. Classic example, a few weeks I found myself and my better half at a beautiful restaurant in Darling Harbour for dinner, just about to order. As the perky waitress made her way over to our table, panic set in. My heart began to race and my eyes were a blur scanning the menu trying to decide what to order. My ever collected boy ordered an appetising chicken dish and me? Well, because I couldn't make a decision I ordered the first thing that caught my eye on the menu. Seafood risotto. Now, I love seafood just as much as I love risotto. But this seafood risotto? Not, the wisest decision I have ever made. Watching the waitress walk away with our order spelled out on her notebook was heart-wrenching and I felt the pangs of regret burn my chest. Watching my boyfriend enjoy a safe looking chicken dish whilst catching whiffs of fishy, gluggy rice coming from my own dish was also not savoury.

I now find myself at a different crossroads (albeit one more important than dinner choice). As I sit on my bed and type this, to my left of my are my uni enrollment forms and to the right my favourite magazine of choice. On Friday, I have an interview for a permanent intern position with said magazine and on Wednesday I have my uni orientation day. If I enroll in uni for a third and final year (to get the word advanced added to my diploma and a fancy piece of paper with the words Bachelor of Arts), the time table clashes with oh,  just about everything in my life. I've been at uni for the past two years of my life and those past two years were pretty smooth sailing. Everything fell into place minus the clashes. Consulting my very own pearl of wisdom that is my wonderful mother, she once again offered me the words, whatever will be will be. So if it ain't meant to happen sister, it won't.

Standing at my own crossroads, I know what decision I want to make. And from now on, whatever happens? Happens.


worth mentioning.

The Naked and famous.
- n[ay]ked meaning completely bare - f[ay]mus meaning widely known/much celebrated.

Possibly the best thing to come out of New Zealand since bobby pins. You've most likely already heard a snippet of their vocal stylings on shows like Gossip Girl, The Secret Circle or TV ads for Strongbow cider. Listen to their album Passive Me, Agressive You once and you'll have it on repeat, I promise. I got the privilidge to be front and centre at their Parklife 2011 gig and boy, oh boy did they deliver. We waited over three hours to secure our spot and the wait was worth every second of their set. The band's lead vocalist Alisa Xayalith has a voice that not only packs a punch but sends shivers down your spine. I found myself oblivious to my surroundings (festival heads pushing left, right and centre, spilt drinks and stepped on toes) and singing along to the music like I was the only one there. Songs worth listening to include not only the popular Young blood but Girls like you and All of this. Keep your eyes on this one, they're certainly set for great heights.

You're very welcome.


the little mermaid.

Because every little girl wants to be a mermaid, and these shoes by the late and the great Alexander McQueen seem to be the closes you'll ever get to a mermaid's tail. Ten inches of magic, I say.


2012 is the year I rediscover my back bone.

reflections and lessons learnt.

Three days into 2012 and I find myself revisting this blog to which I have neglected for some months now. And how I have missed it, writing that is. It feels good to be typing again, pouring my thoughts onto a computer screen, clearing some space in my head. 2011 was certainly a year I'll never forget, excuse the cliche. I graduated college, ended some old relationships and started a new one with a person I want to spend the rest of my life with, drank myself silly and stayed out later than what is healthy and created memories with my girlfriends which will surely stay with me.

And boy, oh boy did I learn some lessons.

The truest lesson came from my mum, the pillar of all advice and strength and the person who instantly makes me feel at home and about 10 years old again.

Whatever will be, will be.

Kay sera, sera. Accepting that what's meant to happen will happen. You know, all that jazz. Believe me; it rings true. Once you stop trying to force an outcome, you'll be able to breathe out and accept that whatever happens, simply happens. You can pin it down as fate, serendipity, God's path for those who are religious out there, it doesn't matter what you call it- the sooner that you accept 'whatever happens, happens', the sooner things will fall into place.

kristian anderson.

A very brave man, who was taken by cancer says happy birthday to his wife.

Life's too short to take for granted.

Take a look at Kristian's blog howthelightgetsin.net