

Late last year I had an incredible opportunity to interview and write a piece about photographer and Bondi lifeguard Brad Malyon for a college project. As an avid (and slightly obsessive) fan of the television show Bondi Rescue I can not describe how excited I was to talk to one of the brave waterman who graced my television screen for quite some time. It was my first experience as a budding young journo and I was so nervous I could barely work my recorder.

Malyon not only saves lives on the world famous strip of sand and ocean but takes incredible photographs. His website Frothers is a collaboration of not only Malyon's work but local photographers and even surfers. Even if you lack the coordination to remain vertical on a thin piece of fibreglass a top a rough sea (like myself), the Frothers website has alot to offer.

It's definetely worth having a look, trust me.

One of Malyon's photographs.

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