
taylor made.

Isn't it funny how one single person can open your eyes to endless possiblities and new experiences, new people and new places you never for a second thought existed. Now, I'm not one to draw unnecessary attention to my private life but for the sake of credit where credit's due, I feel the need to draw attention to one particular person who has taken centre stage in my life for the past eight months. My boyfriend, someone who I didn't know from a bar of soap has become my best friend. It sounds cliche when I put it like that but there's no other way to say it. He's introduced me to new music, new places and his family has fast become mine. We challenge each other every day and often disagree but in spite of all our differences, we're crazy about each other. Isn't it great when you find someone and you just 'click'? You're able to be your complete and utter self around them and find acceptance despite your flaws.

Albeit, relationships and love aren't for everyone (hell, I included myself in that catergory eight months ago) but once you crack the jackpot you really do feel like a winner.

1 comment:

  1. You are the sweetest Shan! So happy to see you ridiculously happy :)
