
matters of the heart.

One Australian every 26 minutes passes from a heart attack.

Read that again and really let the words resonate.

One Australian every 26 minutes passes from a heart attack.

March 10th of 2014, my loving, wonderful, fit Dad became part of that statistic.
It was sudden, shocking and he was given no second chance. My Dad was a fanatic cyclist, he discovered his passion was of a two wheeled kind. He ate healthily, hardly drank and didn't smoke. He was the healthiest he had ever felt. We should have celebrated my Dad's 53rd birthday last year, and we never got the chance.
No goodbyes, just a constant heart ache.
At the time of my Dad's passing, he had just finished a race. He actually had just moved up a race grade- a goal which he had been trying for a long time. Dad was elated, and we were told one of the last things he said was "I did it! I finished!" with the biggest smile on his face.

One Australian every 26 minutes is one too many. Heart health is important and more awareness should be raised. Before losing my Dad I had no idea the statistic was so shocking. And that is what it is- shocking.

I spent the month of October 2014 cycling on my Dad's exercise bike in the hope of raising money for the National Heart Foundation. The amount of support, love and donations I received from family, friends and people I had not even met was mind-blowing to say the least. I am still so thankful for everybody who donated and offered encouraging words.

Australia's number one killer is heart disease. Heart health and awareness, regular blood pressure and cholesterol checks and living a healthy lifestyle are so, so, so important.
As is The National Heart Foundation. For more information about healthy hearts you can visit http://www.heartfoundation.org.au/Pages/default.aspx or call 1300 36 27 87.

My Dad was never given a second chance. He was healthy, he exercised, he ate well yet heart disease still took him from us. My Dad was living such a full life, he still had so much living left to do. If losing my Dad and writing this post creates heart health awareness, any awareness at all I would be grateful.

I urge you not to take your heart and your health for granted.
Stop smoking. Eat healthily. Exercise. Have regular cholesterol and blood pressure tests.

We are only given one heart, start living like you appreciate that.

Thinking of you, always x

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