keep at it!
It's 6am. Cue your alarms shrill (and dreaded) tones. You curse the interruption of your blissful slumber and will yourself back asleep. Instead of springing out of bed 'up and at em' style, you snuggle into that warm cocoon of goodness that is your bed. Bright eyed and bushy tailed you are not, the snooze button becomes an all too familiar friend.
Motivation, where art thou?
That cheeky little whats-it always seems to disappear when most needed. Contemplating a morning run? Motivation- nil. Attempt to put in some overtime at work? Motivation- nada. Sticking to a healthy eating plan and saying no to your 22nd piece of chocolate? Forget it, it seems old motivation has better things to do.
Coming into the golden season of summer, reining in and holding onto your motivation can be tricky. Here's some tips to conquer lazy days when things need to be done but you just-can't-be- bothered.
1. Do not procrastinate. The mother of all evils, this 13 letter word is not your friend. Sure, refreshing your facebook page or email inbox makes for a fun time but avoiding what you need to get done ain't helpin', sista! Stay focused and remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing.
2. Give yourself a break. I know, I know, you are thinking 'I am big-fat hypocrite who has no idea what she is going on about because clearly I just said the oppositite of rule number one'. Keep in mind there is a difference between procrastinating (read- laaaazy) and taking 15 or so minutes to clear your head, regroup and refocus. This tip is particulary important during a long day at work, studying for an exam or even exercise plans.
3. Reward yourself. Set a reasonable time limit and goal as to what you want to achieve and once said goal has been achieved, treat yourself. After a gruelling workout indulge in some downtime with some sweeties. Finished your exams or study? Quit thinking about it, go out and have some fun. Setting goals (and rewards) keeps motivation in check and provides an incentive to achieve said goals.
4. Listen to music. Struggling with a work out or getting up early in the morning? Pump some of your favourite tunes. Keep them upbeat and it is that easy. Really, it is.
5. Make a list. I am a listmaker. There is something so satisfying as to ticking off each item once it is complete. If your list is overwhelming and the enormity frightens you a little, resolve to complete one item at a time. By the time you reach the end of your list you will have surprised even yourself with how much you have completed.

Motivation, where art thou?
That cheeky little whats-it always seems to disappear when most needed. Contemplating a morning run? Motivation- nil. Attempt to put in some overtime at work? Motivation- nada. Sticking to a healthy eating plan and saying no to your 22nd piece of chocolate? Forget it, it seems old motivation has better things to do.
Coming into the golden season of summer, reining in and holding onto your motivation can be tricky. Here's some tips to conquer lazy days when things need to be done but you just-can't-be- bothered.
1. Do not procrastinate. The mother of all evils, this 13 letter word is not your friend. Sure, refreshing your facebook page or email inbox makes for a fun time but avoiding what you need to get done ain't helpin', sista! Stay focused and remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing.
2. Give yourself a break. I know, I know, you are thinking 'I am big-fat hypocrite who has no idea what she is going on about because clearly I just said the oppositite of rule number one'. Keep in mind there is a difference between procrastinating (read- laaaazy) and taking 15 or so minutes to clear your head, regroup and refocus. This tip is particulary important during a long day at work, studying for an exam or even exercise plans.
3. Reward yourself. Set a reasonable time limit and goal as to what you want to achieve and once said goal has been achieved, treat yourself. After a gruelling workout indulge in some downtime with some sweeties. Finished your exams or study? Quit thinking about it, go out and have some fun. Setting goals (and rewards) keeps motivation in check and provides an incentive to achieve said goals.
4. Listen to music. Struggling with a work out or getting up early in the morning? Pump some of your favourite tunes. Keep them upbeat and it is that easy. Really, it is.
5. Make a list. I am a listmaker. There is something so satisfying as to ticking off each item once it is complete. If your list is overwhelming and the enormity frightens you a little, resolve to complete one item at a time. By the time you reach the end of your list you will have surprised even yourself with how much you have completed.
BPF- beauty prods forever
Props to all those beauty cupboards out there. Bravo, thank you for making me look somewhat human each morning.
This post is dedicated to all those little gems who make life as a female a little bit easier.
In terms of bases, let's start with first. First base equals fresh skin. And for this I love Sukin. The foaming cleanser, moisturiser, night cream and toner all take pride of place in my bathroom cupboard. They aren't harsh on skin and free from all those nasties that are responsible for sensitive skin and breakouts. You want alcohol, sulphate and parabens? Forget it, you're barking up the wrong tree. Sukin organics are just that- organic and this is why they love my skin. And my skin loves them. The Australian brand also offers a sensitive range and their rose hip oil should be a prerequisite in your nightly beauty routine. Have a look at their affordable range here http://www.sukinorganics.com/. Your skin will love you forever and reward you by staying plump, fresh, clear and very well behaved.
Second on my list of cant-live-withouts is Loreal Paris Lumi Magique foundation. I recently switched foundations and Loreal's newest wonder has become a fast favourite. It promises flawless skin using liquid light technology and while I am not sure I am being 'lit from within' my skin sure does look nice after a meeting with Lumi Magique. The brand offers a range suitable for most skin tones and rose sand matches mine perfectly. (In case you were wondering, which I know you were).
Onto third base now. My, my isn't this a quickie. Short and sweet, I like your style. But what shouldn't be short is your lashes, the eyes are window to the soul so spending a little extra effort on your lashes is worthwhile. I have recently become addicted to eyelash extensions (your local beautician should be able to help you out for around $80 first visit. In-fills are around $45 a pop). Not to be confused with false lashes, eye lash extensions are attached individually (and somewhat painstakingly) to each individual lash. The end result? Natural, full and long lashes. These little beauties will cut down your getting ready time by half. Smudged mascara? A thing of the past. "As much as I love you mascara, I just don't need you in my life anymore. I've met someone else who fulfils my needs." This is what you will say. And if you do happen to pop a little on = super-dooper-supermodel lashes there you go making everybody stare. NB- Oil free cleansers are best for eyelash extensions (the oil in regular make-up removers loosens the glue), Neutrogena does a great oil-free eye make-up remover.
And there you have it- my BPF's.
N.B- This is only a short list, I could go on for days and days on essential beauty prods. But I won't. You're welcome.
Good day sir!
I have something to admit... Wait, It seems this blog is somewhat of my confessional and whoever happens to read this is my priest. Well done. I digress so now I will confess. I have a penchant for dressing like a boy. I never did go through my tomboy stage during adolescence so here we are nearly 21 years old and I have discovered a love for oversized tees and shirts, skinny jeans and converse. Better late than never, eh?
There is something so appealing about dressing man-style. And fun! And when styled the right way- man style is swoon-worthy. Not to mention comfortable. Eat a big din? No need to suck in, oversized shirt will hide any food baby. Everyone wins. Androgynous dressing can be casual or if needed for evening wear- a tailored white shirt, statement collar necklace, leather skinnies and a pair of brogues (or pumps) can work just as well.
What I wore today- Oversized silk chambray shirt (courtesy of my beautiful Nan), skinnies and fresh white cons. Can you say comfortable? I can. And I will. Because I am very comfortable, thank you.
anybody out there?
The funny thing about blogging is that sometimes (okay, let's be honest) most of the time it feels like you are writingto yourself. And you probably are. Just like I am right now. Ahhh. But every now and then someone might happen to stumble across your blog and have a read. Hey, they might even like what you're writing. And that is a good feeling. And if they don't? Freedom of expression, I say!
This writing biz is a tricky one to crack, the huge amount of people in the exact same position as me is phenonemal. People often wonder why I have picked such a hard industry to make my mark in but challenge is a wonderful thing. And that experience I have had; those few weeks and precious insights into my favourite publications make for some great memories and bring me that one step closer to getting what I want out of this life.
pin it!
Although I feel like an old hand at Facebook, blogging, tumblr and instagram (old hand- ha! More like addict) Pinterest is a concept I was yet to grasp. Until today. What a fantastic way to get a little inspiration, find a new recipe, nail trend or home decor idea. And even better- you can 'pin' whatever tickles your fancy ensuring those great steps to a messy topknot or flatter bum are never forgotten. Fresh pinner addict at your service! Look me up, throw me a follow- I promise I'll follow back!
sabo skirt - #want
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Mint Prarie Dress. |
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Amaaaaazing! |
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Hanging up in my cupboard- just begging for a sunny day. |
The term 'the perfect wedding' conjures up a whole bouquet of different meanings, but as this is my blog (and I am in charge and can be a selfish little cuckoo and write whatever I please) I will give you a teeny tiny insight to the inner workings of my wedding imaginations.
When I think of the place I want exchange rings and ' do, I do' two prerequisites come to mind. Intimacy and water views. Both my partner and myself love all things saltwater, a ceremony with a water view is a must. Beach weddings can be tricky, and sometimes tacky. Stilettos in the sand? I think not. Which is why when watching a highly educational and serious television show (Okay, it was Don't Tell the Bride. Don't judge me, it makes for some quality viewing) and one of the dream venues popped up on the screen, I knew it would make a perfect setting for wedded bliss. The Bathers Pavillion at Balmoral offers beautiful and secluded water views of Balmoral Beach and the outdoor terrace is just right for a ceremony. Inside 'The Room' is ideal for a small reception seating from 30 to 102 guests. The historic building has been newly renovated yet is sensitive to its roots. The white sand and blue waters of Balmoral beach is the perfect photographic background for wedding happy snaps. Just the right amount of old and new, The Bathers Pavillion is perfect for oceanic elegance with a relaxed vibe. Have a look for yourself here.
And who could forget about the dress? I'm still undecided as to what frock to don on my future big day but two dream dresses linger in the back of my mind. The first is Steven Khalil number (albeit it is black- my version would of course be ivory).
The tousled up-do compliments this backless wonder as actress Samara Weaving wore ever-so-well at The Logies of this year. Imagine how serene and elegant one would feel walking down the aisle in dress such as this?
The second frock I can't vacate from my mind is a Collette Dinnigan creation. A delicate lattice pearls bodice and a soft, cascading skirt gives this piece an ethereal feel yet steers away from garish and 'over-the-topness' (new word, look it up). The dress is from Dinnigans Summer 2011 collection and is absolutely ideal for a relaxed yet intimate beach-front wedding.
And last, but certainly not least every wedding needs a little brilliance to take it into that unforgettable territory.
Tiffanys, anyone?
43 pages into this book full of wonderment and I am already hooked. Hook, line and sinker. I’ve been a fan of Zoe Foster since her fruitybeauty.com days, Primped and then Air Kisses (phew!) and when spying this bad boy in the book aisle of my local Big Dub, a small kernel of excitement formed deep inside my very being. 'This book must be read', I told myself (not aloud of course- people already think I'm weird enough). Sure enough, I took it home in my hot, little hands and began to devour every word. The way in which Zoe writes is witty, funny, approachable and downright maddeningly clever- she is heartbreakingly good! The book is gorgeous to look and full to it’s shiny brim of clever tips which cause forehead slapping and ‘Why did I not know this before’ thoughts. Pick up this book (please, no one needs to be subject to another bad fake tan again. Aren't they all bad, though? Never mind...) or check out her site here.
My current style crush is the lady of the moment: Lara Bingle. Albeit, she doesn't have the IQ of a rocket scientist (but hey! Who does? Apart from rocket scientists... ahem) but she does carry off any effortless and somewhat grungy cool. Add to that my odd obsession with skulls (much to the disturbance of my Nanny) and bingo! When the ep of Being Lara Bingle aired showing Lara's birthday tables adorned with decorative skulls and I was in skeleton heaven. I picked up a couple of plastic skulls from eBay (will eBay ever disapoint?), some silk peonies off Esty (again, Yay for internet shopping and accidently loading money onto your credit card just ripe for the spending) and some pretty, little shells from my corner $2 store. Add some white matte spray paint, a lot of superglue (mostly on my fingers) and wallah! I have to admit I have even impressed myself.
365 good mornings and good nights of happiness.
For as long as I care to remember I've never been so easily decided about a person. The moment I began to take interest in the mysterious opposite sex brought with it ums, ahs and carefree flings. And that was the stone-set way until I met the delightful and strange human being I now refer to as my other half. And the last 365 days with this person has offered no ums, ahs or even close comparisons to a fling. I am truly, deeply and madly sure. I can rest easy for the remainder of my days knowing that I am extremely lucky to have met the person I want to anchor myself to and not let go.
For my first and last one year anniversary, we decided to do something a little special. There is a lookout high above the coastal city of Wollongong in Sydney's south called Mt Keira. It offers breathtaking, eagle-eyed views of the city and a quiet place to steal a kiss or two. For years (not unlike the Parisian Lover's bridge where Carrie and Big share a moment ), lovers have fastened padlocks to the lookout fence to declare their affections. A year or so ago, the local council took to the locks with a pair of boltcutters (vicious or practical- you be the judge) but we decided to take our chances and fasten our very own love lock to the fence.
Our 365th day together finished with a decadent feast at Thiroul local haunt Samuels. The food there is literally straight from heaven. Lime aoili and prawns, melt in the mouth beef cheek, salsa and the flakiest of fish and the mash! Do not underestimate the humble potato mash. It is like eating a cloud, a delicious cloud. Not forgetting desert- chocolate fondant begging to be eaten and lemon crème brule with salted caramel. Not licking the plate clean required a double dose of willpower.
365 days of pure, simple and bloody delicious happiness.
in the neck of time.
The past four months has seen big changes in terms of accesorissing. You see, I have always been a chunky-ring-or-bracelet-kind-of-girl. But with the colder weather approaching, focus has been taken from around the wrist and fingers to the all important decolletage. Necklaces are well and truly in - the bigger the better! A chunky collar necklace will come to be your best friend this winter- easy to wear, day or night and dresses up a plain tee and skinnys outfit in an instant.
Lovisa has some amazing (not to mention affortable) pieces at the moment- check them out here.
Diva also has some gems. Two pieces that haven't left my neckline are:
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Diva Tribal Cords Collar Necklace- $24.99 |
I picked this bad boy up from Diva, sadly sold out. Love wearing it with a plain tee and red lip. |
happy days.
My boyfriend sent me this in a text message last night.
I've been through a pretty tumultous couple of months, people I thought I knew better than myself turned out to be strangers. But this post is not heading into the 'woe is me' type post because I refuse to be anything but happy.
There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama & the people who create it & surround yourself with those who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy.Wise boyfriend.
I've been through a pretty tumultous couple of months, people I thought I knew better than myself turned out to be strangers. But this post is not heading into the 'woe is me' type post because I refuse to be anything but happy.
And with a beautiful boyfriend, family and friends- how could I not be?
Nomad at heart, truth be told I experience a little bit of wanderlust in my day to day life. Unfamiliar with the term?
Said wanderlust has transported me to the shores of Aloha country. Hawaii. Well, truth be told said wanderlust will transport me to the shores of Aloha country. In just five short months I will find myself miles across the ocean in a land where the hula reigns supreme and the sun kisses all. A pretty good 21st birthday present if I don't say so myself.
garden party.
OP. Olivia Palermo- the upmost epitome of style. Oh, to have a wardrobe even close to the callibre of Oliva's. I can dream right? Lately, I've been lusting over these floral badboys (Topshop) Olivia was spotted wearing. I've been looking high and low to no avail and nearly gave up all hope. The pants are sold out on the Topshop website and noone else seems to stock anything similar. But, and there is always a but, one last attempt to track down the pants on the web proved fruitful. I had found the exact pair! All smiles until I came to a price. A little bit exxy but like they say, WWOD. She would buy them (or realistically be gifted them) and so shall I. Although I'm not as wild to team them with a pair of leopard print pumps, these bad boys will get me one tiny step closer to having a closet resembling OP's.
And that's good enough for me.
four kicks I cannot live without this winter.
With winter well and truly advancing upon us, thongs and sandals are banished into hibernation to be replaced by more seasonal appropriate footwear fancies. I decided to pay homage to the four faithfuls getting me through the crisper weather.
Number one is the humble hi-top Converse. Comfortable without looking sloppy, team these with leather tights and a plain tee for that I-just-don't-care vibe or pair with a high, skater skirt and peter-pan blouse for a more preppy look.
Shoes can often be unappreciated by the opposite gender and these are no exception. My boyfriend says I look like 'I'm off to the ranch' but I love these tan-heeled wonders. They add that teensy bit of height (while being comfortable) and look quite sweet with a pretty dress or capri jeans.
Last on my list is a pair studs. Jeffrey Campbell does a mean studd but for those (like myself) who are short of funds, Rubi and Sportsgirl also make similar versions. A little bit punky, a lot of attitude, these studded creations will get you through winter.
intern is as an intern does.
I consider myself an old hand at this intern business, I've really racked up some serious mileage on the internship front - and hopefully sooner rather than later it will all pay off and I'll be sitting pretty and doing what I love. Ha. I've interned at a number of places from fashion mags to newspapers and to be given a peek behind the pages is quite a privilege. That being said the perks really do come with a few nasties. Take one of my very first internships at a mag I loved reading. My second day into the intership and I was approached by one of the fashion editors and commanded to trek all over the city and find her some chocolate covered strawberries. Fresh, mind you. If you were wondering, no I was not offered a chocolate covered strawberry and yes, they did look delicious.
Wanna be an intern? You better be able to type. And for a long time. I was shocked one instance when a fellow intern announced to the beauty editor she did not transcribe. Blasphemy! And you better be able to address envelopes and photocopy. Accept any task asked of you with a smile and observe, observe, observe.
As I said before internships are packed full of perks. Take the free stuff, the events and the experiences. Who would get to eat lunch with Miss Universe herself before playing fly-on-the-wall at one of her photoshoots? An intern, of course! (True story, she was gorgeous!)
Materialism aside, the biggest perk of all is being in the thick of it and working alongside people who write what you love reading. Keep your mind open, stick it out and soak it all up.
Internships are a rite of passage - wanna be in this industry? Then, you gotta do the time. Fast forward a few years down the track and you might find yourself head honcho with a dozen intern minions at your disposal. Be nice, get your own chocolate covered strawberries!
polished to perfection.
Recently I was invited to attend a make-up masterclass for Just Be and to report back to the office with some wonderful goodies and a few tips and tricks I had picked up along the way. I was tres' excited to attend and woke up eager to impress. My morning was going quite smoothly until I got lost. In very high shoes. In an area I had no clue about. With ten minutes till the event began.
I'll skip the boring bits an encounter with some very helpful, although somewhat pushy churchies and some aimless wandering on my part) and get to the important stuff. I arrive at said event's address (with my new rosary beads and prayer booklet in tow- thank you churchies) breathless and perspiring in my blazer. My carefully straightened hair and applied make-up feels smudged and messy and I sit down amongst the others. The girl to my right is already sitting down, biro in hand, notebook at the ready. Calm and collected she is. Not a hair out of place, impeccable make up and nails. (Mine are chipped after a haphazard and rushed application on the train- never a good idea). All at once, I feel alarmed- where is my notebook, where is my biro? (and it's one of those fancy tipped ones too). The event begins and she dutifuly takes down notes- complete with diagrams and asks intelligent and funny questions. It's hard not to like her. Immediately, I wish I had bought a nice notebook and fancy biro and that I had asked intelligent and funny questions. I sat in admiration at how collected this girl was and willed myself to get my act together.
I will probably never be that girl. Fact is, I will always be that girl who feels slightly shy inside and will probably stumble a few times in her high heels. I will be the girl who gets lost and speaks with a squeaky voice when she is nervous. I will be the girl who drops whatever is in her handbag as she runs for the train she will inevitably miss. And come to think of it, that's alright with me.
- The event was great by the way. I learnt how to apply make-up like the queen of the Nile. Take a peek at my make-up tab if you wanna know too.
Just as good.
A little gem from Triple J's Like a Version.
Boy and Bear take on Empire of the Sun's Walking on a dream. Add this one to your playlist, it's a keeper.
Boy and Bear take on Empire of the Sun's Walking on a dream. Add this one to your playlist, it's a keeper.
time's a changing.
I loathe the expression 'you've changed'. If anybody ever says that to me, I feel the need to reply with 'no shit, Sherlock'. Change is a necessary and welcome fact of life. Without change, quite simply, the human race would cease to exist. No change equals no evolution, and no evolution means no disposable thumbs. Kapish?
We all change, you'd be lying if you said you were the same person you were 10 years ago. Hey, you'd probably still be lying if you believed you were the same person you were one year ago. And if you are? Well, you're probably stuck in a rut. And if you are stuck - good luck to you I say.
Speaking personally, I know for a fact I'm not the same person I was two, three years ago. My values and attitudes have changed and I no longer feel the fresh eighteen year old without a care in the world that I once was. Bordering on 21, I realised it's time for me to get serious. Now, that being said I'm still in my twenties and I don't want to grow up before my time but what better time than the present to start making my mark on this planet?
Don't view change as a road block, embrace change - you never know what it might bring.
Read it and weep.
This little gem is called Just Be magazine and is where I'll find myself interning every Friday for the next three months. An Australian made mag put together by some very talented, young ladies, Just Be offers the latest on trends, fashion, fragrance, beauty and lifestyle and I am feeling very lucky to be spending some time at the JB HQ. Have a flick through the mag next time you're at the newsagents, trust me or check the website out at justbemagazine.com - Just do it.
taylor made.
Isn't it funny how one single person can open your eyes to endless possiblities and new experiences, new people and new places you never for a second thought existed. Now, I'm not one to draw unnecessary attention to my private life but for the sake of credit where credit's due, I feel the need to draw attention to one particular person who has taken centre stage in my life for the past eight months. My boyfriend, someone who I didn't know from a bar of soap has become my best friend. It sounds cliche when I put it like that but there's no other way to say it. He's introduced me to new music, new places and his family has fast become mine. We challenge each other every day and often disagree but in spite of all our differences, we're crazy about each other. Isn't it great when you find someone and you just 'click'? You're able to be your complete and utter self around them and find acceptance despite your flaws.
Albeit, relationships and love aren't for everyone (hell, I included myself in that catergory eight months ago) but once you crack the jackpot you really do feel like a winner.
punk love.
Robert and I were always ourselves - 'til the day he died, we were just exactly as we were when we met And we loved each other. Everybody wants to define everything. Is it necessary to define love?
- Patti Smith (The Godmother of Punk)
Don't sweat it.
At the top of my reading list at the moment is Sweaty Betty's PR Mogul Roxy Jacenko's Strictly Confidential. It's just a little bit juicy especially as you begin to wonder what stories involve Miss Jacenko herself, I read ten chapters in an hour and all ten did not disappoint. Jacenko, a regular in Sydney's socialite pages is one to watch. From humble beginings as a receptionist at an Italian jeans company, Jackeno has fashionably worked her way up the fashion public relations ladder. Strictly Confidentional is the perfect read on summer holiday, all that's missing at the moment is the sun!
I love books. I'm not afraid to admit when I go to the bookstore I like running my hand along the covers of new books, I like the smell of books and I like the feeling you get when you're in a bookstore. Everybody goes about their own business, the sales people aren't pushy and in a bookstore nobody judges. Unlike the feeling you get in other stores, I have never once felt intimidated to pick up a certain book or wander into a certain section. So imagine my delight, uncovering the gem of a book store that is Kinokunyia. Translating to "Store of Kii Provence", Kinokunyia is any booklover's heaven on earth. Located on George Street in Sydney, I kick myself for not going in there sooner. Kinokunyia not only offers a quiet and vast place to get lost among the titles but over 300 000 titles in English, Japanese, French and German. Tattoos your thing? They have it covered. More into fashion design? It's got it's whole section. No matter what your interest, they have it.
Like to read? Do yourself a favour. Kinokuniya books. The Galleries, Level 2, 500 George Street.
Sooner or later in all our lives, we reach a point where we face two alternative choices and a decision has to be made. We are at a crossroads. For most, decision-making comes as naturally as breathing but for woe, for me it does not. It's as if whoever designed my brain installed a faulty wire responsible for making decisions. Classic example, a few weeks I found myself and my better half at a beautiful restaurant in Darling Harbour for dinner, just about to order. As the perky waitress made her way over to our table, panic set in. My heart began to race and my eyes were a blur scanning the menu trying to decide what to order. My ever collected boy ordered an appetising chicken dish and me? Well, because I couldn't make a decision I ordered the first thing that caught my eye on the menu. Seafood risotto. Now, I love seafood just as much as I love risotto. But this seafood risotto? Not, the wisest decision I have ever made. Watching the waitress walk away with our order spelled out on her notebook was heart-wrenching and I felt the pangs of regret burn my chest. Watching my boyfriend enjoy a safe looking chicken dish whilst catching whiffs of fishy, gluggy rice coming from my own dish was also not savoury.
I now find myself at a different crossroads (albeit one more important than dinner choice). As I sit on my bed and type this, to my left of my are my uni enrollment forms and to the right my favourite magazine of choice. On Friday, I have an interview for a permanent intern position with said magazine and on Wednesday I have my uni orientation day. If I enroll in uni for a third and final year (to get the word advanced added to my diploma and a fancy piece of paper with the words Bachelor of Arts), the time table clashes with oh, just about everything in my life. I've been at uni for the past two years of my life and those past two years were pretty smooth sailing. Everything fell into place minus the clashes. Consulting my very own pearl of wisdom that is my wonderful mother, she once again offered me the words, whatever will be will be. So if it ain't meant to happen sister, it won't.
Standing at my own crossroads, I know what decision I want to make. And from now on, whatever happens? Happens.
worth mentioning.
The Naked and famous.
- n[ay]ked meaning completely bare - f[ay]mus meaning widely known/much celebrated.
Possibly the best thing to come out of New Zealand since bobby pins. You've most likely already heard a snippet of their vocal stylings on shows like Gossip Girl, The Secret Circle or TV ads for Strongbow cider. Listen to their album Passive Me, Agressive You once and you'll have it on repeat, I promise. I got the privilidge to be front and centre at their Parklife 2011 gig and boy, oh boy did they deliver. We waited over three hours to secure our spot and the wait was worth every second of their set. The band's lead vocalist Alisa Xayalith has a voice that not only packs a punch but sends shivers down your spine. I found myself oblivious to my surroundings (festival heads pushing left, right and centre, spilt drinks and stepped on toes) and singing along to the music like I was the only one there. Songs worth listening to include not only the popular Young blood but Girls like you and All of this. Keep your eyes on this one, they're certainly set for great heights.
You're very welcome.
the little mermaid.
Because every little girl wants to be a mermaid, and these shoes by the late and the great Alexander McQueen seem to be the closes you'll ever get to a mermaid's tail. Ten inches of magic, I say.
reflections and lessons learnt.
Three days into 2012 and I find myself revisting this blog to which I have neglected for some months now. And how I have missed it, writing that is. It feels good to be typing again, pouring my thoughts onto a computer screen, clearing some space in my head. 2011 was certainly a year I'll never forget, excuse the cliche. I graduated college, ended some old relationships and started a new one with a person I want to spend the rest of my life with, drank myself silly and stayed out later than what is healthy and created memories with my girlfriends which will surely stay with me.
And boy, oh boy did I learn some lessons.
The truest lesson came from my mum, the pillar of all advice and strength and the person who instantly makes me feel at home and about 10 years old again.
Kay sera, sera. Accepting that what's meant to happen will happen. You know, all that jazz. Believe me; it rings true. Once you stop trying to force an outcome, you'll be able to breathe out and accept that whatever happens, simply happens. You can pin it down as fate, serendipity, God's path for those who are religious out there, it doesn't matter what you call it- the sooner that you accept 'whatever happens, happens', the sooner things will fall into place.
And boy, oh boy did I learn some lessons.
The truest lesson came from my mum, the pillar of all advice and strength and the person who instantly makes me feel at home and about 10 years old again.
Whatever will be, will be.
Kay sera, sera. Accepting that what's meant to happen will happen. You know, all that jazz. Believe me; it rings true. Once you stop trying to force an outcome, you'll be able to breathe out and accept that whatever happens, simply happens. You can pin it down as fate, serendipity, God's path for those who are religious out there, it doesn't matter what you call it- the sooner that you accept 'whatever happens, happens', the sooner things will fall into place.
kristian anderson.
A very brave man, who was taken by cancer says happy birthday to his wife.
Life's too short to take for granted.
Take a look at Kristian's blog howthelightgetsin.net
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