Motivation, where art thou?
That cheeky little whats-it always seems to disappear when most needed. Contemplating a morning run? Motivation- nil. Attempt to put in some overtime at work? Motivation- nada. Sticking to a healthy eating plan and saying no to your 22nd piece of chocolate? Forget it, it seems old motivation has better things to do.
Coming into the golden season of summer, reining in and holding onto your motivation can be tricky. Here's some tips to conquer lazy days when things need to be done but you just-can't-be- bothered.
1. Do not procrastinate. The mother of all evils, this 13 letter word is not your friend. Sure, refreshing your facebook page or email inbox makes for a fun time but avoiding what you need to get done ain't helpin', sista! Stay focused and remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing.
2. Give yourself a break. I know, I know, you are thinking 'I am big-fat hypocrite who has no idea what she is going on about because clearly I just said the oppositite of rule number one'. Keep in mind there is a difference between procrastinating (read- laaaazy) and taking 15 or so minutes to clear your head, regroup and refocus. This tip is particulary important during a long day at work, studying for an exam or even exercise plans.
3. Reward yourself. Set a reasonable time limit and goal as to what you want to achieve and once said goal has been achieved, treat yourself. After a gruelling workout indulge in some downtime with some sweeties. Finished your exams or study? Quit thinking about it, go out and have some fun. Setting goals (and rewards) keeps motivation in check and provides an incentive to achieve said goals.
4. Listen to music. Struggling with a work out or getting up early in the morning? Pump some of your favourite tunes. Keep them upbeat and it is that easy. Really, it is.
5. Make a list. I am a listmaker. There is something so satisfying as to ticking off each item once it is complete. If your list is overwhelming and the enormity frightens you a little, resolve to complete one item at a time. By the time you reach the end of your list you will have surprised even yourself with how much you have completed.
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