
when someone else's happiness is your happiness, that is love.

There is something so thrilling about giving someone a gift. Hey, don't get me wrong I love a gift as much as the next girl but there is something a little special about the moment you hand over your carefully wrapped, well thought out something to that someone you care about. It's as if you are as excited to give the gift as they are to receive it. Then there's the suspense, the killer wait as you try to figure if they like it. The warm, fuzzy feeling that comes after the suspense is the deal-sealer- there's something nice about making someone happy in such a self centred world (at times).

And with good old Valentines Day coming up, I'm starting to get excited. I love giving unusual gifts, something that special someone didn't quite expect but is exactly what they needed in that moment of time. And to all of those people hating on Valentines Day, to them I say suck it up. Sure, I will admit Valentines Day has been commercialised to the point of no return but is there really something so wrong about a day where people celebrate their love or happiness together? If you answered yes to that, please take the lemon out of your mouth and stop being so sour. Albeit, not everyone has a Valentine- and if you don't it doesn't matter! Be happy for those around you who have found happiness or make it your aim that day to make someone you know smile- whether it be a friend, a complete stranger or you mum. And if all else fails, sit down with a packet of Tim Tams and watch all of the Nicholas Sparks movies. On repeat. The world needs more happy days, I say. There really can't be anything negative about a day where the soul purpose is to make each other smile and spread a little happiness. That can't be such a bad thing can it?

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