
reflections and lessons learnt.

Three days into 2012 and I find myself revisting this blog to which I have neglected for some months now. And how I have missed it, writing that is. It feels good to be typing again, pouring my thoughts onto a computer screen, clearing some space in my head. 2011 was certainly a year I'll never forget, excuse the cliche. I graduated college, ended some old relationships and started a new one with a person I want to spend the rest of my life with, drank myself silly and stayed out later than what is healthy and created memories with my girlfriends which will surely stay with me.

And boy, oh boy did I learn some lessons.

The truest lesson came from my mum, the pillar of all advice and strength and the person who instantly makes me feel at home and about 10 years old again.

Whatever will be, will be.

Kay sera, sera. Accepting that what's meant to happen will happen. You know, all that jazz. Believe me; it rings true. Once you stop trying to force an outcome, you'll be able to breathe out and accept that whatever happens, simply happens. You can pin it down as fate, serendipity, God's path for those who are religious out there, it doesn't matter what you call it- the sooner that you accept 'whatever happens, happens', the sooner things will fall into place.

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